Editor’s Note

Sistine Chapel way in the background 2016 selfie!

May Notes

My mind is going in so many directions this month. May always has me thinking about the wedding season. Whatever hemisphere you’re in, May is a month when the season starts to rev up, and we try to organize for our special day or wonder what we will wear or give to someone else.

Check out my story about some of the best and worst weddings I’ve ever attended. It will have you laughing and taking notes on what to look out for at your next wedding event.

I can’t get enough of the symphony. Piano solos and orchestral movements captivate me! There is something so wonderful about live music. It’s meditative and inspiring to see all those talented musicians playing in unison with such skill and passion.

And if all this wedding and symphony talk wasn’t enough, my husband spent a week in one of my favorite cities – Rome! Although he was busy attending training sessions, he managed to dine at some delicious vegan restaurants and snap photos ofΒ someΒ well-known sites. I visited Rome in 2016, and I loved it.

A friend made these for me and I used to bring them along on my travels. I thought I was the only weirdo that did this but I met a lot of people who were doing the same-lol!

This month, I’ll share a post about my two-week trip to Rome, Florence, and Venice. I’m hoping we can go back this fall, at least to Florence and Pisa, I really want to see the David and get a photo of my little son holding up the leaning tower of Pisa!

So whether it’s a wedding, dinner out, attending the symphony or theatre, or a stroll around Rome, I have some plant-based/vegan fashion ideas to share.

Clothes that are chic and cozy as the weather can be unpredictable this time of year. I’m obsessed with the short-sleeved sweater and the spring/summer pants! Bold patterns or block colors, there are so many great lightweight pants, perfect for this time of year.

Divertiti Maggio!